A Letter to My Son Around His Second Birthday

My dear son,

You are now two years old – and quite a little man. I meant to write this letter when you were born, but time has gotten away from me. I love you more than words can say; I hope you always remember that.

I worry about sending you out into the world one day. I can make our home a safe, secure place for you – and I ‘m doing my best to do so – but the world…well, that is a different matter altogether. I know I have years before I send you out – really and truly out – into the world, but I cannot help worrying about it ahead of time. Well, all I can do is the best I can do. I will do my best to prepare you, to teach you what you need to know, to shield and protect you when I can and help you pick up the pieces when I can’t.

I hope you know that I will always love you, no matter what. I want you to know that you can always talk to me, call me when you need me, lean on me. I will always be your mother and you will always be my boy.

I am so proud of you. You are sweet and affectionate, as well as smart and observant. You are growing so fast!

I suspect that this letter will actually be a series of letters, like those I plan on writing for your sister. There is so much to tell you, to share with you and I simply can’t cover it in one letter. Know that you are a loved and cherished member of the family; you now have a sister and a mommy and daddy who love you very much – to say nothing of lots of grandparents, and aunts and uncles.




Filed under Family, Parenting

2 responses to “A Letter to My Son Around His Second Birthday

  1. mommybug

    How beautiful! I love your letter! My son will be starting kindergarten next year, and at times (when I allow myself to think about it) I’m terrified. I know he’ll do great in school, but I’m going to feel lost without him here everyday! I guess it’s just a sad fact of life that all mothers have to learn: we have to let them go, little by little. I will just have to trust that I’ve raised him the best I can, and trust him, too.


  2. mmiller

    Thank you. I’m starting to think about those things and I can’t imagine it. I’ve gotten so used to having him with me everyday, like you say. Good luck to you!


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