Tag Archives: frugality

Really Useful Websites (November 2008)

This month’s theme: frugality (in case you can’t guess from the links below!).  I found a great deal of information, ideas, and helpful hints on these sites.  If you are looking for ways to save money (which most of us are these days), I’d like to think this list is a good start.

1. http://frugalliving.about.com/ – this is a collection of articles on everything from using Thanksgiving leftovers to second-hand gifts. I found it fairly helpful. Topics you can browse through include “Frugal Living 101,” “Money Management,” “Food Savings,” “Frugal Fun,” and “Do It Yourself.” Yes, there are ads throughout on the page, but I found it easy enough to ignore those.

2. http://zenhabits.net/2007/08/the-cheapskate-guide-50-tips-for-frugal-living/ – Zenhabits is a wonderful, wonderful site. I know I’ve recommended various articles from that site before, but it bears repeating. I love the ideas in this article and can tell you that you CAN save a lot this way. For example, one suggestion is to “look for used first.” My husband and I just bought a much-needed dining room table from The Salvation Army; it has some dents and dings, but it was $125 as opposed to the current going price which, for the size table that we bought would be about $600. It also came with four chairs that are in great shape.

3. Frugal Living this site has a range of articles on frugal living, from summer fun tips to “63 Gift Ideas under $10” and “Gifts from The Kitchen”. They also have sections on “Frugal Recipes,” “Frugal Parenting,” and “Gas Saving Tips.” Take some time and look around; you may not use everything you find, but I’d have to say there is something here for everyone.

4. Frugal Village – I love this site. It is well done – with a lot of content, but not cluttered or “fussy.” It is easy to find things here. There are sections on lifestyle, home and family, leisure, food, money, and so forth. You can even search the site. Wonderful site!

5. Hillbilly Housewife – a wealth of information and recipes here. There are beginner tips, cooking secrets, and even a blog.

6. Frugal Dad – I found some really interesting articles here. For example, there is an article on “Cyber Monday Frugal Gift Ideas” and “A Thanksgiving Story: What the Pilgrims Taught Us About Capitalism.” You can even sign up for updates via email or RSS.

7. Dumb Little Man To make this relate specifically to this theme, go to the article 30 Ways to Save Money. However, the whole site is very interesting. The author(s) provide a “handful of tips” on a variety of subjects. Take some time to check it out!

8. The Dollar Stretcher – There are articles related to holiday gifts, using your fever to prevent food waste, and sections for baby boomers, family, going green, lifestyle, and “in critical condition.” Under each section, there are subsections and articles. Excellent site to spend some time browsing for ideas and tips! For example, under Family, there are subsections for Automobiles, Babies, Budgeting, Children, and Christmas. Under Christmas, there are ideas for decorating, gift ideas, and gifts for kids. I love it!

9. Livestrong – Specifically, this article on 5 Ways to Save Money caught my eye, but the whole site is interesting. There are sections on getting healthy, being active, eating well, finding balance, and staying young, among others. I found a lot of interesting articles on various interests – now if I can only find the time to go back and read them all! I think I need to start with finding balance!

10. The Bargainist – This site has articles on things like 20 Ways to Save Money on Gas . There are also sections on deals, coupons, tips, and freebies. I highly recommend checking it out.


Filed under Lists, Review

Really Good Websites (October 2008)

It is that time again – well, actually, well past that time, but hey, I’ve got a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old.  I’m doing my best!  I’ve got a list of fifteen interesting, excellent, useful, weird, and/or wonderful websites to share.  Here they are, in no particular order:

  1. TypeRacer – a useful site that will help you build typing speed in a competitive environment.  In addition, you can add it to MySpace, or so they say, so you can race your friends.  I joined and I’ve been enjoying this for a while each night.
  2. The Simple Dollar:  in particular, this article:  http://www.thesimpledollar.com/2008/02/06/little-steps-100-great-tips-for-saving-money-for-those-just-getting-started  .  This site has some great articles and wonderful advice for those trying to save some money.
  3. Zen Habits – ok, I know I’ve mentioned this site before; it bears repeating.  This is a wonderful article for those trying to pinch pennies.  I highly recommend looking at the site overall.
  4. The Dollar Stretcher – I found some great ideas here.  There is a wide variety of information: articles on whether to sell the truck or not,  credit card tips for college students, 401(k) considerations, home furnishings, and 8 ways to consolidate debt.  I recommend taking a look; not everything will appeal to everyone and – as always, for serious issues, consider the source and think about whether you need more research.  Still, I think this is a good source for ideas.
  5. Being Frugal – here is a GREAT source of information, tips, and advice.  This is actually a reference to a specific article, but I found the home a good source of information too.  Poke around, check it out, do some reading.  I expect that all of us, regardless of income and financial situation, could use ways to save some money.
  6. The Frugal Law Student – I found this article particularly helpful.  It contains tips the author found through articles, blogs, etc., on ways to save money.  You should certainly be able to find SOME that apply to you, or some that you find helpful here.    In terms of the blog itself, there are sections on Law School, Frugality, Personal Finance, Productivity, and Career.  I highly recommend taking a look at it.
  7. Homeschool.com – as a parent, I found this a particularly interesting site.  I fully intend to spend some time browsing there, once I find a few minutes.  This article on the top 100 Educational Sites is very good.
  8. Solve Your Problem – this site has self-improvement, self-help, and personal growth articles.  I can’t vouch for everything – there is simply too much to see and read.  However, I will say that there is a lot of information/advice/etc.  there.

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Filed under Lists, Review, Writing